Ir kaip mes atsidūrėm tokioje situacijoje,
2011 m. birželio 27 d., pirmadienis
Ir kaip mes atsidūrėm tokioje situacijoje,
Iš pasakų į realybę
2011 m. birželio 26 d., sekmadienis
Gyvenimo skonis
When you say thank you to me,
for some reason it hurts,
Like a magic spell that doesn’t
get undone even after the good bye.
a hint of bitterness.
The flavor of life
Stuck midpoint between friends and lovers,
like an un-riped fruit dreaming about the day of harvest
because of being unable to just move one more step forward
what’s causing this frustration baby
When you say thank you to me,
for some reason it hurts,
Like a magic spell that doesn’t
get undone even after the good bye.
a hint of bitterness
The flavor of life
Sweet talk and tasteless conversations.
it sparks no interest in me
even when things do not go the way you want
it doesnt mean you’ve thrown your life away
When asked ‘ whats wrong?’
I answer ‘its nothing’
The smile that disappears after goodbye
It’s unlike me
The more i wish to believe in you,
For some reason it hurts even more
‘i like you a lot’ instead of ‘i love you’ sounds more like you
the flavor of life
the period when you suddenly remember the scent of someone you had almost forgotten
I want to be able to openly and honestly cherish the white purity of the falling snow more
A future tender and warmer than a diamond
i want to grasp it, in this limited time we have, i want to spend it with you
when you say thank you to me,
for some reason it hurts,
Like a magic spell that doesnt
get undone even after the good bye.
a hint of bitterness
The flavor of life
2011 m. birželio 22 d., trečiadienis
My heart is beating for you
You make me feel so good inside. It's true to my soul, oh yeah
Everytime that I'm away,
I can't wait to see your face again. Devoted to you, I am
Without you I'm so lost.
No Matter what you hear or say, my heart is yours and that won't change at all.
I know you feel the same as I.
You're a butterfly with perfect wings and you're my angel.
It's too good to be true.
I'm waking up in paradise.
2011 m. birželio 21 d., antradienis
2011 m. birželio 15 d., trečiadienis
Tavęs paklausti aš norėčiau
2011 m. birželio 14 d., antradienis
Aš - tavo kūrinys
2011 m. birželio 13 d., pirmadienis
And then I heard his voice.
Ech...That love that I can't understand
Ech...That feeling in my heart - What is it ?
After seeing him for years, I stoped
Stoped and start to think.
What about his personalities ?
Do I care about it ?
I did. I did care and I still do!
I watched his eyes,
I listened to his voice
And then, sudenlie
It was his lips.
His lips - that looked so red
The lips that I always wanted to taste...
Those lips are still mine
Are made for me - I think.
Yes he is mine too.
Not in real life, not on earth
But in my dreams. In my heart.
2011 m. birželio 3 d., penktadienis
2011 m. birželio 2 d., ketvirtadienis
Reikia pripažinti, kad gyvenime daugiau skausmo, nei laimės ir gerų akimirkų, bet nereikia pamiršti, kad po daug skausmo ir sunkių akimirkų, kurios atrodo sunaikins iš vidaus, galiausiai visi atranda savo vietą, savo laimės, ramybės kampelį kurio dėka viskas, kas nepatiko pasimiršta.
Reikia gyventi šia minute...Ne ne š DABAR
2011 m. birželio 1 d., trečiadienis
Išleistuvės su klasiokais
Kokie atsiminimai - gaila, jų daug, o mano atmintis visai nesutrikusi ;D
Buvo žiauriai linksma, po velnių, ar būna kitaip ? ;D
Pamačiau klasiokus visai kitokius, nei jie yra mokykloje - ir tuo apsidžiaugiau.
Viskas man tikrai patiko, laikas nepraėjo veltui, bet prisipažinsiu - yra momentų kurių nenorėčiau būti darius, ar bent jau kad galėčiau pamiršti (nes vis dar nusipurtau prisiminusi).
Bet AČIŪ už tokį nuostabų baliuką ;P